
This section explains how to configure and run the OCALA proxy. It assumes that you obtained the OCALA binaries by unpacking the OCALA_binary_linux_A_B.tar.gz distribution.


OCALA has been tested only in Fedora and Ubuntu. For Ubuntu, please follow the extra Ubuntu/Debian specific steps given at

STEP 1: Configuring OCALA

Go to the directory containing the OCALA distribution. This directory should contain files like OCALA_proxy, ProxyConfig.jar and config_files subdirectory. Type the following command (you must have Java installed)

java -cp . -jar ProxyConfig.jar or

If you do not have java 1.4.2 or higher installed, you will not see the configuration GUI. Please refer the section on "Manually Configuring OCALA" for instructions on how you can manually configure OCALA. The configuration GUI has been only tested to work with Sun Java.

STEP 2: Running OCALA

  • Go to the directory containing the OCALA distribution (same as in the configuration step).

  • If this is the first time, you are running OCALA on this machine, you need to configure the tun device. With superuser permissions, type the following command:


    (Note that you need to do this only once for a particular machine.)

  • To start the proxy, as super user, type the following command:

    ./OCALA_proxy -c

    The proxy will now start. To kill the proxy, press Ctrl-C. The proxy uses the configuration files in the config_files sub-directory.

STEP 3: Testing

Try pinging your machine using the name you specified while configuring the proxy. For example,

ping NAME_U_LIKE.pli3

You should get valid responses.

Testing Failed: What do I do?

If you do not get any response, it is highly likely that your local firewall is blocking the i3 UDP packets. Please try adding a rule to your local firewall to permit UDP packets to destination port X, where X is the value in config_files/proxy-config.xml for the I3_LocalPortNum attribute.

The other option to try is use TCP instead of UDP for i3. This can be achieved by setting the UseTCP attribute in config_files/i3-cfg.xml to true.

If none of the above methods work, please contact support at OCALA.

STEP 4: Installing/Uninstalling OCALA

You can set up OCALA to start up as a service each time Linux boots by using script located in the OCALA_Suite directory. The OCALA service can be uninstalled using the script. These scripts must be run with superuser privileges.